Choose Hospice Massage

To set a powerful example of compassionate care. Our therapists are always kind and present at each and every visit, giving your patient the undivided attention that they need. All the reason as to why every hospice organization should include massage therapy as a paid for supplemental service, using our highly trained therapists.


Reduces Anxiety & Stress.

Imagine all of a sudden being in a new environment or being informed that you have a life threatening illness. Hospices’ that implement massage therapy into their protocols, can offer patients and families, a natural anxiety and stress reducer. Giving more reason, for your company to be the chosen one.

Decreases Pain and Stiffness.

As we age, our limbs tend to stiffen due to decrease in movement and lack of energy. Massage therapy deals hands on with muscles, addressing every patient with compassionate touch and purposeful strokes, to lessen pain, stiffness, and contractures.

Helps With Digestive Issues.

Many of your patients may be prescribed pain medications, which unfortunately comes with side effects. Digestive issues may be one, resulting in constipation. Abdominal massage can aid in increased blood flow, increasing circulation of bowel movements, to help your patient stay relaxed, internally and externally.

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Need a Good Nights Sleep?

Our therapists at Ucare Icare Hospice are well trained and experienced in providing the right touch, with use of therapies and essential oils, giving your patient or loved one the rest their body needs.

Essential Oils We Use?

  • Lavender

  • Deep Blue by Doterra

  • Eucalyptus

  • Tea Tree

  • Japanese Peppermint

  • Lemongrass